326,892 WINNERS have already earned £3,557,262.28

The concept of PanelOpinion

The concept of PanelOpinion is simple:
  • According to your profile (age, gender, where you live, etc.) you are given a chance to participate in different surveys.
  • The time you spend completing surveys is paid in cash to your PanelOpinion account.
  • When your account reaches £10, you can request to receive the amount by Bank cheque (posted to your registered address within 10 days), Paypal transfer or Bank transfer (BACS).
For more information, please refer to our FAQ below

Click on a question below to see the answer.

Why haven’t I been credited for a survey I completed?

I have a problem completing a survey – what can I do?

I completed a survey – why is it still showing in my account?

What does it meant to ‘not qualify’ for a survey?

What haven’t I received the compensation for not qualifying?

How do I get more surveys?

Why am I not receiving surveys anymore?

Why has my account been blocked?

Why can’t I take surveys on my phone?

Rewards and payment

Click on a question below to see the answer.

Why haven’t I been credited for a survey I completed?

Why has my reward/payment not arrived yet?

How do I ‘cash out’ my balance for a reward/payment?

What rewards/payments are available?

How can I let you know my PayPal address?


Click on a question below to see the answer.

Why does PanelOpinion need my personal information?

Can I choose not to give my personal details to PanelOpinion?

What happens to my personal information at PanelOpinion?

How do I delete my personal information from PanelOpinion?

How do I opt-out of receiving emails?

Updating my details

Click on a question below to see the answer.

How do I update my personal details, like my address?

Profile questionnaires

Click on a question below to see the answer.

What are the profile questionnaires?

Why do I need to fill in the profile questionnaires?

How do I update the information that I provided in the profile questionnaires?

Competitions and Minipolls

Click on a question below to see the answer.

What is the Fun Month photo contest?

What are minipolls?

The minipoll isn’t working – what do I do?